How anthropometry and your body shape affect your exercise

2021-11-25 09:23:51 By : Mr. March Lin

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Regardless of your size and shape-thick, thin, long, short, thin or short. Here is how to adjust your training and find untapped and undiscovered strength, strength and possibilities in everyone's body.

Weight squats just didn't happen. Coach Jon Flake knew it from the moment Jalen McDaniels tried to squat his 6-foot-9 physique. McDaniels is the star of hope in the 2019 NBA Draft and he is starting training at the Peak Performance Project facility in Santa Barbara, California. Known as P3, the gym often cooperates with NBA players, and chief performance expert Flake has seen a lot of bad squats. "For many tall people, squats make mistakes in both ways," he said. "Either they pushed their buttocks too far back or they pushed their knees too far forward." McDaniels inexplicably fused the two together. At this moment, he looked like he was stuffed into an invisible car. In the clown car.

It's not McDaniels' fault. His squatting posture did not take his long legs into consideration. Flake noticed this immediately. He handed McDaniels a slash, which immediately relieved the pressure on the player's upper back and pushed him to keep his torso upright. McDaniels, who now plays for the Charlotte Hornets, is starting to do repetitive movements perfectly because he is tailoring the movements for his body. "Always find the most suitable sport for athletes," Fleck said.

No matter what the person behind the counter at Planet Fitness tells you, this fit is never easy, because your body is more than just your height and weight. Different combinations of limb and trunk length handle exercises in different ways. You may be more suitable for squats than McDaniels, but his long legs allow him to dominate the 20-second fan bike interval, which may leave you breathless. Determine the sports strengths and weaknesses of your body type, you can unleash the potential of muscle building while avoiding frustration.

The study of these body proportions is called anthropometry and is rarely optimized for gyms. It first appeared in the 1880s when Alphonse Bertillon, a Frenchman who worked in the records department of the Paris Police Department, began cataloging the length and other detailed information of suspects and criminal offenders for identification. The goal of anthropometry is to decompose body measurements other than height and weight, and to track data about the nuances of the length of the torso, arms, and legs. This information is most commonly used in ergonomics and helps design objects such as chairs and tables. One of the largest anthropometric studies comes from the U.S. Army. It analyzed the data of more than 11,000 soldiers to help better design equipment.

The muscular head that is closest to anthropometrics appears in the discussion of body type, called body type, which first appeared in the 1940s. Proposed by psychologist and doctor Dr. William Sheldon, MD, the somatotype system divides people into ectomorph (tall and thin), mesomorph (sporty and strong) or endomorph (heavy and round). His theory is that your body shape determines how easy it is to build muscle and lose weight.

Many experts have refuted Dr. Shelton's theory, but we are still thinking about body shape. Thanks to pop culture and social media, many of us believe that a strong body means Arnold’s biceps and Chris Evans’ abs. If our arms are longer and thinner than theirs, we think we will never crush it in the gym. Many people still believe in these ideas, but they shouldn't. Every body can be strong and gain great power. The key is to learn exercises that match your specific body type.

This is why anthropometric training can change lives. Fitness experts believe that the late Canadian professor of kinesiology, Dr. David A. Winter, connected the dots between limb length, athletic performance, and exercise intensity. In his iconic 1979 book "Biomechanics of Human Movement", he analyzed the data from the study of corpse limb length and began to associate it with the way the body moves. His insight can only gain traction with a visionary trainer, although the length of the limb can make a 225-pound barbell deadlift a breeze for one person, but a nightmare for another.

Jon Flake and some trainers began to incorporate these ideas into their work. With some training adjustments based on your body measurements, you can optimize key exercises and avoid nagging injuries at the same time. The five key combinations of arms, legs and torso can greatly affect the way you lift and move. Know them and you will be on the path to significant gains.

Your challenge: Imagine your body as an elevator, pushing a weight upward every time. The higher you are, the more floors are required for any weight in exercise. So you need one second more than most people to complete each repetition of each exercise. Each muscle in each repetition adds extra workload (and time spent under tension).

Your challenge: power generation is not your strong suit. When you participate in a 500-meter rowing or test long jump, your short limbs will hinder you. According to a study of 2,000-meter rowers, short athletes generate less power per stroke than tall athletes.

Your challenge: The torso of an ordinary person occupies about 30% of its total height, measured from the hip bone to the shoulder. If your movements are longer than this, weight-bearing movements that make your torso bend forward, such as deadlifts and rowing, can be daunting.

Your challenge: Many people have shoulder problems-this is more serious for you than most people. Because of the long-arm lever generated when pushing upwards, over-head movements such as pull-ups and shoulder presses, and explosive weight lifting movements such as barbells and kettlebell snatches, your shoulders are in danger.

Your challenge: You are naturally suitable for long-distance running. Strength Training? Not that much. Your short arm makes deadlift difficult. And your long legs are the bane of your existence, putting a heavy burden on your core during abdominal exercises, and causing problems in exercises that focus on the lower body, too.

Your arms and legs are not the only body parts that affect your training. The size of the hands and the length of the feet play an underestimated role. So know how your appendages hurt (or help) you in the gym.

Wrap your hands on the standard barbell. Can your thumb reach the second knuckle of your middle finger? If so, your hands are large and you can easily hold any rod. If your thumb cannot reach your first knuckle, you are more likely to lose grip on any barbell. Solution: do a plate pinch. Stand with your arms at your sides and pinch a pair of 5-pound or 10-pound plates with your fingers for 30 seconds.

Do you wear shoes of size 12 or larger? Your big feet can help you perform almost any leg movement, providing stability, just like a wider base prevents the table from shaking. On the other hand, if your shoe size is smaller than 9, you must work harder to maintain balance when your legs move. So train the rest of your calves to provide more stability; do 3 sets of 20 calf lifts at least twice a week.

A version of this story originally appeared in the June 2021 issue of Men's Health with the headline "Everyone is Strong".